Travelling to Bohol from Cebu is fast and convenient. You don't need to pre-book your ferry ride. Just ask a taxi driver from the city to take you to Pier 1, and avail of the earliest departing trip from any of the vessel taking the route. The boat ride takes 2 hours and the fare 500 pesos.
The night before, I booked our hotel from Agoda. Alona Vida Beach Resort has a last minute promo for less than 2000 pesos that accommodate 2 persons. We got in touch with them for a pick upon our arrival at the port. The cost is 600 pesos that you will pay directly to the driver.
When we arrived, I found a guy holding a sign with my name, and he ushered us to a van that fits 10 people. Panglao, where the resort is located is around 30 minutes from the port.

From the road access to Alona Beach, we walked to Alona Vida. The resort is conveniently located within the popular restaurants and high end resorts. Our room was a bit tight, but comfortable. I love the native bamboo details. It gives it the tropical beach feel.
Our first agenda for the day is watch the sunset at their beachside cafe.
The white sands of Panglao is comparable to Boracay. There are plenty of boats parked along the shore that you can rent for island hopping or diving from the many resorts that lined the beach.
Tired from the travel, we rested a bit after our snack.
We went out again for dinner. We were surprised to find Hennan close to where we were staying. Their buffet at Seabreeze in Boracay is our favourite, and we took the opportunity to try dinner at their Panglao branch.
We were so full after dinner, that we decided to walk around the beach to explore the night life. There are a few drinking places, some even has a band and fire dancers. Panglao, is more laid back compared to Boracay. It has all the conveniences, but less crowd and noise.
The next morning, we had breakfast at Bohol Bee Farm next door.
After breakfast, we took a dip at Alona Vida's swimming pool. After the short dip, we freshen up, and packed our stuff and checked out of the resort. We made arrangements with them for the countryside tour that costs 2500 pesos for a Sedan type car. That does not include the entrance fees and meals.
We were picked up by 11 AM, to make it to the floating restaurant by lunch. Here you may opt to avail of the regular buffet for 392 pesos or the high end buffet at 500 pesos. The difference is on the number of dishes included.
After lunch, we continued the tour with a visit to the Tarsier Reservation Site. Here you get to see these tiny gently creature that made Bohol popular in their natural habitat. Be mindful of the viewing rules.
On the way to Chocolate Hills, we made a stop at the Man Made forest. Its amazing to see the outcome of what community efforts can achieve. Here, the weather is a bit cooler because of the thick canopy that blocks direct sunlight.
We continued the tour to our lat stop which is the world famous Chocolate Hills.
I can't believe that it took me 12 years to return to this province. The sight amazed me just the same.
After our reunion with the Chocolate Hills, we asked our driver to take us to the port in order to ride the 4PM departing vessel to Cebu.
We were back in Cebu by 8PM.