Monday, April 25, 2016

Fun at Work! The New Victoria Court Head Office

Many of you may have already seen this video since its release last month, and most would probably wonder what happens on daily basis.

The slide is my thinking tube.  I would sometimes lie inside the tube to think, or belt out a scream.  Its also a good spot for a selfie.

We are not confined to our tables.  On days when you feel down, you can work over a pile of bean bags.

Not feeling your usual self?  Not a problem, you can be someone else for the day, with matching headpiece!

Also, a stretch here would mean lifting yourself on the pull up bars in between tables.

We do genuinely have fun!

Puerto Galera, My Favorite Summer Destination

Sunset on my First Day!
With the rising temperature in the city, spending the day off a beach somewhere is just too tempting.  Just these past months, I have been to Puerto Galera, twice already and 3 times this year.
It has become my favourite beach destination mainly because of convenience.  A bus ride to the port takes less than two hours and two hours more, you'll be setting your feet on the white sand of White Beach.
An overnight would cost almost the same as a night out with friends.  Its best that you find accommodations that suits your budget.  My favourite is VM Resort.  They are now available through  Agoda, which guarantees you a booking prior to your departure, or just haggle your rate once you arrive.

Being a regular guest, I'm able to haggle my room.  Last Holy week, I was able to get a bargain for my 4 night stay, considering I'm staying alone in a 4 pax room.
I also try to avoid the crowd.  Nothing beats an unobstructed view of the sunset and a bottle of Ice Cold Red Horse on a Happy Hour.

Coco Aroma, My Happy Hour Place

I arrived ahead of the Holy Week Crowd

Loving my Aussiebum Shorts

Hello 2025

Its been a year since I last updated my blog. So much has happened over the course of the year. I started the year in Toronto, Canada. I was...